What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in some grains, mainly wheat, rye, and barley (oats do not have gluten in them, but because they are so often grown and or processed with these other grains it is wise to stay away from oats unless they are certified gluten-free).  The important thing to remember with gluten, however, is that it is not synonymous with grains.  It can be extracted from these grains, but doing so does not render the grains gluten-free, they are still off-limits.  Gluten is extracted and used is the making of other things because it is sticky like “glue”, get it?  This is what gives breads, cakes and many other baked goods their fluffy, spongy texture, which, unfortunately, is also why baking without is leaves things kind of flat.  When removed, gluten can then be used in the formulation of foods that do not contain the above mentioned grains, in makeup, vitamins, soaps, lotions, and other hygiene products, spices, and more.  If you were to wash your hands, put on some lotion that you didn’t know contained gluten, and then ate a sandwich (with gluten-free bread and meats, of course!), you would unknowingly be consuming gluten from the lotion on your hands! A situation such as that only leads to pain and wondering what went wrong where.  For this reason it is important to be vigilant about knowing what is going in and on your body!  Learn how to read labels on everything you buy so you know what you’re getting and if it’s safe for you.  If you’re not sure about something, contact the company before you take the chance!  Companies have so many different names for wheat and gluten, even if you learned them all it can still be hard to be sure.  Luckily, many companies are starting to catch on and are labeling their products if they are in fact gluten-free!  However, if a product says “wheat-free” do not assume this means gluten-free.  Remember that it can be taken out of that wheat and used elsewhere in the product.  Don’t ever get discouraged though, living without gluten gets easier every day, and there are plenty of resources out there to help along the way!